Built for business, we support employees and drive company performance with industry-leading health outcomes.

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We’re working with thousands of employees at global enterprises

Here are some of our clients

Monzo - logo transparentMeta - logo transparentClearscore  - logo transparentOsbourne Clarke  - logo transparentAllspring - logo transparentRothesay - logo transparentRAPP - logo transparentamadeus - logo transparentlululemon - logo transparentbalderton-logo-transaprentspace-nk-logo-transaprent
Monzo - logo transparentMeta - logo transparentClearscore  - logo transparentOsbourne Clarke  - logo transparentAllspring - logo transparentRothesay - logo transparentRAPP - logo transparentamadeus - logo transparentlululemon - logo transparentbalderton-logo-transaprentspace-nk-logo-transaprent

Why offer Fertifa support?

One platform that delivers world leading support for your organisation.

Improve employee wellbeing

We enable HR teams to offer the workplace support that's best for their employees. We provide personalised, expert support for employees, through our accessible platform.

Gain significant ROI

There are significant financial benefits, including considerable savings made through employee retention, boosted productivity and a healthier, happier workforce.

Attract and retain top talent

Reproductive health benefits are becoming a necessity for employers, not just a 'nice to have'.  Attract and retain a diverse workforce with inclusive benefits that give you a competitive edge.

Personalised clinical support

Unlimited 1-2-1 access to a dedicated nurse or doctor, with personalised clinical and wellbeing support for all reproductive health challenges.

Extensive educational resources

Access to trusted, accessible resources. Created by our clinical experts, this includes Live Q&A sessions and virtual events and webinars.

On-demand health access

Through the Fertifa Patient app, employees will get on-demand access to video consultations and 1-2-1 in-app messaging, anytime and anywhere.

One cover for everyone

We offer reproductive health benefits for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, income, biological sex, relationship status, and geography.

Care and treatment for everything from conception to preservation

1 in 6 people globally will struggle with their fertility. But no two fertility journeys are the same. Your employees will get access to personalised, expert clinical support throughout their fertility journey.

Fertility support

Ongoing perimenopause and menopause support, from start to finish

Menopause is something so many of us will go through, and yet it's continually overlooked and underserved. Through our in-house clinical team, we support your employees with ongoing care throughout their menopause and perimenopause journeys.

Menopause support

Expert guidance for all the paths to parenthood

There are many paths to parenthood. At Fertifa, we provide support through all family-forming journeys. From adoption to surrogacy,  inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. We helps employees navigate each step of their family forming journey, no matter what this looks like.

Family-forming support

Confidential care for everything from male specific cancers to testosterone deficiency

From early detection of prostate and testicular cancer to male fertility testing and erectile dysfunction medication, we empower men to take control of their health, through expert, confidential support.

Men's Health Support

Expert and clinical support for all women's health challenges and concerns

Our women's healthcare programme covers everything from contraception to PCOS to endometriosis to fibroids to early detection of breast cancer.  Led by our in-house clinical team, we provide our patients with exceptional care that delivers better outcomes.​

Women's Health support

From dyslexia to ADHD to OCD, we make workplaces work for everyone

We provide our patients with ongoing wellbeing support and navigational advice for all neurodiversity conditions, from dyslexia to dyspraxia to ADHD to autism spectrum conditions. Through our personalised, expert support, we provide our patients with the right care, at the right time for them.

Neurodiversity support

On-demand and specialist pregnancy and postpartum support

Fertifa can help employees navigate pregnancy and postpartum journeys with expert resources, medical support, and a holistic and ongoing approach. This includes 1-2-1 access to the Fertifa clinical team, midwives, and referrals to in-person specialist care.

Maternity support

Built for a global approach

We are supporting thousands of employees, in over 25 countries

Access reproductive healthcare, anywhere in the world

No matter where your workforce is, Fertifa can support your team wherever they are in the world. We're currently supporting employees in over 25 countries and can offer support for employees in the UK, Europe, Asia and the US.

Cutting-edge technology and a world leading clinical team

Our technology makes implementing employee benefits easy for HR teams, with industry-leading outcomes at lower costs.

Why reproductive health matters to your business

Reproductive health challenges are having a significant impact on both your people and your business.
Move the slider to your employee headcount to find out how much money you could save your organisation by working with Fertifa.

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Employees are currently experiencing reproductive health concerns


Working days lost every year to reproductive health concerns


Total cost of the impact of reproductive health challenges

Try our ROI calculator and see the savings

Reproductive healthcare is a business issue. Calculate the impact on your bottom line.

Enter your company details and see the savings you can typically make through employee retention, engagement and productivity.

Get your results immediately

Your ROI Calculator results


We estimate that your annual net investment return is:

£1k – £7k
Our package includes:
Claims management
Education suite
On-demand access to clinical team
Consultations with doctors and nurses
Manager resources
Testing kits and diagnostics
Patient webinars and Q&A sessions

These calculations are an average of companies on the same range of employee size and average salary.

Want to find out how we've calculated your ROI?

Schedule just 15 minutes in my diary and let's talk.

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Our technology backed bespoke services

Support your employees through some of life's most challenging times, with one complete platform.

One to one video consultations and messaging whenever you need it

Get on-demand access to our clinical team, who are there to support our patients through all reproductive health challenges, until they no longer need us. Through the Fertifa app, patients will get access to personalised and expert clinical support, from anywhere.

Stress free claims-management and reimbursements

We handle all of your claims management by handling the administration for your employee reimbursements for their treatment and testing, using our in-app tools. We make it easier for employers to offer the workplace support that's best for their employees.

Access an extensive educational Library of clinical and manager resources

Fertifa patients will have access to articles, webinars and live Q&A sessions run by Fertifa's doctors and nurses. They will be able to browse through trusted resources that are accessible on-demand via the Fertifa App.

for enterprise

Five simple steps to get your business started with Fertifa


Sign up your employees with our flexible ‘per employee’ plan

We offer bespoke reproductive health packages, depending on how many employees you have or what you are looking for support on.


Your employees will get access to personalised clinical support

Unlimited 1-2-1 access to a dedicated nurse or doctor, with personalised clinical and wellbeing support for all reproductive health challenges.


Elevate your HR goals and make your work life easy

Your HR team will get access to a dedicated Account Manager who can support your People goals and advise on outstanding finance queries. Plus quarterly finance reports.


Let us handle all claims management

We manage all funding reimbursement as well as funding for treatment. We’re leading the way by offering direct finance for treatments, taking away the stress away from our patients and their HR teams.


Try our expert-led HR and line manager training and workshops

With resources dedicated to HR and line managers, we ensure team leads are well-equipped to manage their team and any reproductive health challenges they may be facing. Through our educational workshops, leaders can build the confidence to drive change.

Breakdown of our benefits

Create a custom benefits package that works for all your employees, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, income, biological sex, relationship status, and geography.

Advanced diagnostics and testing
Direct access to a specialist clinical team
Financing and reporting for HR teams
Access to at-home testing
Educational resources and live events
Claims management and reimbursements

Real case studies

Read about the real impact we’ve had on employees and how we’ve supported their journeys into family forming, 
managed menopause symptoms and opened up important conversations around topics that are traditionally off-limit in our workplaces.

Accredited and secure

ISO 27001 Certified
GDPR Compliant

Want to know more?

Speak to our team about how we can support your employees through menopause, fertility, men's and women's health challenges.