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Six recruitment strategies to build a diverse and inclusive workforce

This article looks at six effective recruitment strategies to help your company build a diverse and inclusive workforce. From targeted outreach to flexible policies, these approaches not only attract diverse talent but will also create a supportive company culture.





In today's globalised world, creating an inclusive workplace is key to thriving as a company. A diverse team doesn’t just enrich your company culture—it will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

Here's why diversity matters:

Companies with diverse workforces generate 2.5 times more cash flow per employee

Teams that prioritise inclusivity experience a productivity boost of more than 35%

Teams with diverse members make better decisions in 87% of cases

This article explores six effective recruitment strategies that will help you promote workplace diversity at your company, making sure you benefit from the positive impact of inclusive cultures and ethnic diversity.

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Looking to draft an inclusive fertility and family-forming policy? Our template policy here for you to use when drafting your own 📝

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Targeted outreach programmes

To build an inclusive workplace and reap the positive impact, you'll need to be actively seeking out talent from diverse backgrounds. This could look like many different things. It could be creating targeted outreach programmes that focus on underrepresented groups. It could be partnering with community organisations, educational institutions, and minority professional groups. Basically, your company needs to be connecting with potential candidates from all different ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds.

Inclusive job descriptions and advertising

You should always be mindful of the language you use as a company, but especially so in job descriptions as this can really impact the diversity of applicants. Companies committed to an inclusive environment should make sure their job advertisements are free from biased language that might discourage certain groups from applying. Using gender-neutral language and highlighting the company's commitment to diversity can attract a broader range of candidates.

Have a look at our mission, language, and inclusivity statement. We're always learning and we're by no means perfect, but hopefully this can give you an example of what inclusive language can look like.

When posting your job listings, think of broadening your audience beyond LinkedIn. Advertising on different job boards and platforms, like those specifically aimed at minority groups, will help you reach a wider audience. This strategy enhances workforce diversity and should align with your company's diversity policies and approach to diversity, showing a genuine commitment to building an inclusive culture and therefore having a positive impact on your company.

Blind recruitment processes

Implementing blind recruitment processes can help eliminate unconscious bias in the hiring process. This method involves removing identifying information, like names, gender, and educational background, from resumes during the initial screening. By focusing solely on the candidates' skills and experience, you can make more objective hiring decisions.

Blind recruitment supports the creation of an inclusive workplace by making sure that all candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications rather than subjective criteria. This practice not only promotes ethnic and cultural diversity but also strengthens the company's overall approach to diversity by creating a merit-based selection process.

Diversity training for hiring managers

No matter the size of your company, investing in training for hiring managers on workforce diversity and inclusive hiring practices is a smart move. This training should dive into key topics like spotting and reducing unconscious bias, appreciating cultural diversity and cultural differences, and the positive impact that can be felt from creating an inclusive workplace.

When managers understand how diversity fuels business growth, your company's recruitment strategies will naturally align with broader diversity goals. An informed hiring team is better equipped to bring in diverse talent, driving your company’s success and making a real impact on the bottom line.

Internship and mentorship programmes

If you have the means within your company, offering internship and mentorship programmes tailored to underrepresented groups is a great way to promote diversity in the workplace. These programmes open doors for people from diverse backgrounds to gain essential experience and skills, boosting their employability.

Beyond professional development, internships and mentorships bring fresh perspectives into your company culture. By creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported, you’re not just making a positive impact on your business—you’re also building a strong, positive reputation in your industry.

Extensive and supportive policies

Strong, comprehensive policies are key to creating a truly inclusive workplace. While they might not scream "diversity" at first glance, they’re actually the backbone of a supportive, diverse workforce.

Healthcare policies: Robust healthcare benefits are crucial. Each of your employees will face different healthcare challenges and certain groups can be more at risk. By offering comprehensive plans, you make sure that everyone has access to the care they need, making your workplace more inclusive.

Flexible working arrangements: Flexibility is also key. Again, your employees will all have different personal needs, from things like caregiving for children or family members, to needing to attend doctor's appointments or having healthcare challenges. This adaptability helps you build a more diverse team by accommodating people wherever they are – at any stage of life.

Transportation and accessibility: Perks like cycle-to-work schemes or travel reimbursements can make a big difference in the inclusion of employees, especially for those from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. By easing the financial burden of commuting, you’re opening doors to a broader talent pool.

Parental leave and health policies: Offering strong parental leave and women’s and men's health support is crucial for gender diversity. These policies make sure that every employee has the resources and support they need to succeed at work, without being held back by factors outside of their control. Equally important is a fertility and family-forming policy, which acknowledges the diverse paths to parenthood and supports all employees on their unique journeys. No two employees will have the same family life, reproductive health challenges, or paths to parenthood. Your policies should reflect this.

If you're looking for inspiration, we've made our women's and men's health policies public, as well as our fertility and family-forming policy, so you can copy our template and adapt it to your company's needs.

Women's Health Policy

Men's Health Policy

Fertility and Family-forming Policy

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Looking to draft an inclusive fertility and family-forming policy? Our template policy here for you to use when drafting your own 📝

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These policies don’t just make your company more appealing to a wide range of potential employees—they also make sure everyone feels supported and valued. And that’s what leads to a richer, more diverse, and inclusive company culture.

Implementing these recruitment strategies can significantly enhance workplace diversity, leading to numerous business benefits and improving business performance. A diverse workforce brings a range of perspectives and ideas, fostering innovation and driving business growth. An inclusive workplace attracts top talent and helps retain employees, ultimately contributing to better financial returns. By prioritising diversity goals and creating an inclusive environment, your company can build a strong, resilient, and successful organisation.

In today's competitive market, the link between diversity and business growth is clear. Companies that invest in inclusive recruitment strategies not only fulfill their social responsibilities but also gain a competitive edge. Embracing diversity isn't just the right thing to do; it's a smart business move that delivers real business benefits.

If you're interested in learning more about increasing diversity and inclusion at your company, give us a call using the button below. We'd love to chat 💜

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Looking to draft an inclusive fertility and family-forming policy? Our template policy here for you to use when drafting your own 📝

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Looking to draft an inclusive fertility and family-forming policy? Our template policy here for you to use when drafting your own 📝

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