Health and wellbeing awareness days in 2024 for HR professionals
A comprehensive list of health and wellbeing awareness dates to add to your calendars, and we'll go over what each one means so that you can continue supporting a healthier and happier workforce.
If you work in HR or manage a team, you'll want to be clued in to the main awareness dates in 2024 that might affect your people. When it comes to health and wellbeing, we're always here to support HR and management teams so they can provide the right support.
Below, you'll find a list of health and wellbeing awareness dates to add to your calendars, and we'll go over what each one means so that you can continue supporting a healthier and happier workforce. This year, we're also publishing monthly calendars where we explore the various awareness events taking place in more detail. Be sure to check them out using the links below.
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List of awareness days and events in 2024
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (22nd – 28th February)
There are around 3,200 new cervical cancer cases in the UK every year. That's nearly 9 every day. This week is dedicated to raising public awareness about cervical cancer, including prevention methods, like vaccination, and early detection methods, like cervical smears.
LGBT History Month
Celebrating the history, achievements, and contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals and communities.
Time to Talk Day (1st February)
A day to encourage conversations about mental health topics to help reduce stigma and promote understanding and support.
World Cancer Day (4th February)
A global initiative to raise awareness about cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (6th February)
Over 230 million girls and women have been cut worldwide, and it’s estimated that around 60,000 girls aged 0-14 were born in England and Wales to mothers who had undergone FGM. The hope of this day is to raise awareness about female genital mutilation and advocate for its elimination.
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
There are around 7,500 new ovarian cancer cases in the UK every year. That's 21 every day. This month is dedicated to bringing attention to ovarian cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and early detection methods.
Endometriosis Awareness Month
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 people with a uterus, and 1 in 6 women with endometriosis end up leaving their jobs. Despite these alarmingly high numbers, endometriosis is still widely misunderstood. This month aims to bring awareness to this condition that can have a severe impact on someone's life.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
An annual event dedicated to raising awareness around the 2nd most common cause of cancer death in males in the UK.
Employee Appreciation Day (1st March)
A day to recognise and show appreciation for the hard work and dedication of your employees.
International Women's Day (8th March)
A global holiday celebrating the many achievements of women worldwide, and advocating for gender equality.
Young Carers Action Day (13th March)
A day to raise awareness of the human health challenges faced by young carers and advocate for better support and resources.
National 'No Smoking' Day (13th March)
Encouraging smokers to quit smoking and promoting awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use, its impact on human health and the devastating diseases that are linked.
World Down Syndrome Day (21st March)
Raising awareness about Down syndrome and advocating for the rights, inclusion, and wellbeing of individuals with Down syndrome.
International Transgender Day of Visibility (31st March)
Celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of the discrimination and challenges they face worldwide.
Stress Awareness Month
79% of people say they feel work-related stress. Inpatient hospital admissions caused by stress-related illnesses in the UK cost around £8.13bn. Stress can contribute to a range of health conditions, including mental health issues and cardiovascular disease. This month, make sure you talk about the causes and effects of stress in your workplace and promote stress management techniques and support.
International Cesarean Section Awareness Month
Raising awareness about cesarean sections, the health benefits, risks, and impact on maternal and infant health.
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
There are around 2,400 new testicular cancer cases in the UK every year. That's more than 6 every day. This month aims to increase awareness about testicular cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and early detection methods.
World Autism Awareness Day (2nd April)
Celebrated annually, World Autism Awareness Day highlights a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.
Walk to Work Week (5th April)
A week dedicated to promoting physical activity by encouraging people to try walking to work as part of their daily routines.
World Autism Acceptance Week (2nd – 8th April)
The goal this week is to spread kindness and awareness and recognise the strengths and unique perspectives that people with autism spectrum disorders can bring.
World Health Day (7th April)
A global health awareness day organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to highlight priority concerns relating to human health.
World Creativity and Innovation Day (21st April)
A day to celebrate and recognise the critical role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development. This is part of the United Nation's mission towards sustainable human development and global peace.
Black Maternal Health Week (11th-17th April)
Black women are 3.7 times more likely to die during or in the first year after pregnancy than White women. This week raises awareness about racial disparities in maternal health care and advocates for improved outcomes for Black mothers.
National Infertility Awareness Week (21st-27th April)
There are 3.5 million people in the UK facing fertility issues, and this week aims to increase awareness about infertility, its causes, and available treatment options.
World Immunisation Week (24th-30th April)
A week that shines a spotlight on the importance of collective action in promoting vaccinations.
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (29th April- 5th May)
A national campaign to raise awareness around maternal mental health issues, promote support, and offer resources for mothers experiencing mental health challenges.
National Clean Air Month
An opportunity to reflect on the importance of maintaining clean air, minimising air pollution and taking action on climate change in order to look after ourselves and our planet. Check out this website to find out more about the impact of air pollution in the UK and beyond, and how you too can take action on climate change.
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (29th April – 5th May)
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week is a week-long campaign dedicated to talking about mental health problems before, during and after pregnancy. The week is all about raising public and professional awareness of perinatal mental health problems and advocating for the women and families impacted.
You can find a day-by-day breakdown of the themes for the week here.
International Day of the Midwife (5th May)
The International Day of the Midwife has been annually celebrated on the 5th of May since it was set up by the International Confederation of Midwives in 1992 and provides a great opportunity to celebrate and raise awareness about the midwifery profession and the crucial work they do.
This year’s theme is "Midwives: A Vital Climate Solution", which you can find out more about here.
World Hand Hygiene Day (5th May)
On May 5th each year, the "SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands" campaign led by the WHO dedicates the day to raising awareness around the importance of hand hygiene in human health.
According to the WHO, the overall aim of the campaign is to progress the maintaining a global profile and ‘bring people together’ in support of hand hygiene improvement globally.
Deaf Awareness Week (6th-12th May)
The aim of Deaf Awareness Week is to raise awareness of hearing loss in the UK and its impact on the lives of people.
The aim of this year’s Deaf Awareness Week is to promote greater awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by deaf people in accessing communication. The theme highlights the need for breaking down the communication barriers that prevent deaf people from fully participating in society.
National Day for Staff Networks (8th May)
The national day for staff networks aims to encourage collaboration, support aligned activity and further inspire the voice of network members. It’s the world's only nationwide day dedicated to recognising networks/resource groups and the incredible value they add to the workplace.
International Nurses Day (12th May)
IND is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. ICN commemorates this important day each year with the production and distribution of the International Nurses' Day (IND) resources and evidence.
You can find more information about the event on the International Council of Nurses website.
Food Allergy Awareness Week (12th-18th May)
Food Allergy Awareness week aims to raise awareness of food allergies (including fatal food allergies) and the issues they can create for people. Find out how you can get involved and raise awareness of food allergy and fatal food allergies here.
Mental Health Awareness Week (13th-19th May)
Mental Health Awareness Week is the biggest opportunity of the year for the whole of the UK to come together to focus on improving mental health and fair treatment for anyone who suffers in our society. The week aims to tackle stigma and help people understand and prioritise their own and others' mental and emotional health.
The event is supported by the Mental Health Foundation, which places fair treatment for those with mental illnesses at the heart of what it aims to achieve.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (16th May)
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is an awareness event that focuses on digital access and inclusion for the more than one billion people alive today who live with disabilities or impairments and is marked annually on the third Thursday of May.
The purpose of the event is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than one billion people around the world with disabilities and/or impairments.
Dementia Action Week (16th–22nd May)
Dementia Action Week is an annual campaign that brings people together from across the country under a unified theme to take action on dementia. Each year, the Alzheimer's Society works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to act on dementia.
If you want to get involved this year, Age UK has some great suggestions.
National Epilepsy Week (24th-30th May)
From May 24 to May 30, National Epilepsy Week will be taking place to raise awareness for those affected by epilepsy and what can be done to help those who suffer from the condition.
This year, the Epilepsy Society has set the theme for the week as #epilepsymatters, which you can discover more about here.
International Human Resources Day (20th May)
A day to celebrate HR professionals! (finally… 😉)
An international day of recognition for all the hard-working HR and people professionals around the world. For more information on what International HR Day truly means, why it’s important, and what you can do to celebrate this day, take a look at this page on the Academy to Innovate HR website.
World Meditation Day (21st May)
Held every year on May 21st since 1995, this annual event is a time to find a moment of peace, reflect and reconnect with yourself. To celebrate World Meditation Day, you don't need to be an experienced meditator. Anyone can get involved and make the most of the physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing benefits.
Pride Month
Every June, we celebrate Pride Month in the UK. Throughout the month, we recognise the influences of the LGBTQ+ community, celebrate our wonderful diversity, and promote people's right to live how they choose without discrimination.
As well as being a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, Pride Month serves to raise worldwide awareness around the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and promote inclusivity and acceptance in society.
Parades, street parties and community events are just some of ways millions of people of every sexual orientation choose to celebrate. Check out this calendar to discover what events are taking place this year!
National Age Without Apology Month
Established in 2021, Age Without Apology Month was created by the Willowberry Skincare company to encourage women to be proud of their age and experience.
Every year, Age Without Apology Month has been celebrated each year with a new theme, including ideas such as Age My Way and Age is an Energy. You can find out their theme for 2024 here!
National Salad Week 2024 (1st-7th June)
For one week a year, restaurants, cafes, and homes are encouraged to share the leaf-love and promote better physical health by adopting a healthier diet by promoting their salads.
Volunteers' Week (3rd-9th June)
Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. This year, the event will end with The Big Help Out.
National Growing for Wellbeing Week (3rd-9th June)
The week is a celebration of the difference growing produce can make to your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. See how you can get involved here!
World Heart Rhythm Week 2024 (5th-11th June)
The event is an opportunity for people and organisations to come together, share knowledge, and take action to promote heart health and rhythm awareness. This year, Arrhythmia Alliance are hosting Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) Awareness Day on Wednesday the 5th, which you can discover more about here.
Bike Week (10th-16th June)
Bike Week is an opportunity for us to remind ourselves of the positive impact that riding a bike can have on personal wellbeing and the health of our planet.
This year, Cycling UK is looking to celebrate for whom cycling is the physical activity of choice, as well as the happiness it brings. If you’re keen to get involved, or interested in discovering how cycling can help you build a healthy lifestyle, you can find all the information about the event here.
National Carers Week (10th-16th June)
This year, the national awareness campaign Carers Week will take place from the 10th –16th June to raise awareness of the critical role carers have in keeping us safe and healthy. An annual campaign, Carers Week seeks to increase visibility for carers with decision-makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses. Discover this year’s theme and the variety of fun activities taking place!
BNF Healthy Eating Week (10th-14th June)
This year, the British Nutrition Foundation's Healthy Eating Week will be running from Monday 10 June to Friday 14 June 2024. The week is dedicated to encouraging people across the country to ‘Give it a go,’ whether that's by having an extra portion of fruit or vegetables a day, being a bit more active, or experimenting with new recipes.
If you want to get involved this year, you can sign up for BNFH’s events information updates.
Men's Health Week (12th-18th June)
Men's Health Week (MHW) is designed to raise awareness around men's physical and mental illness, and give all boys and men access to treatment, information, the services and educational resources they need to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives and avoid these devastating diseases where possible.
Find out how you can get involved here.
Cervical Screening Awareness Week (17th-23rd June)
Cervical Screening Awareness Week is an annual event which will run from the 19th to the 24th of June 2024. The week aims to raise awareness around cervical cancer and highlight the importance of regular cervical screening for women's health.
Learning Disability Week (19th-25th June)
Every year, the charity Mencap organises Learning Disability Week - an annual event that aims to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities by raising community awareness about important issues, fighting stigma and discrimination, and raising funds for outreach and support programs. Visit the Mencap website for more information.
Love Your Lungs Week (21st-27th June)
Love your lungs week was created to raise public awareness about the health of our lungs and what can be done to keep them as healthy as possible and avoid damaging them. Advice on how to give up smoking and lead an active lifestyle are just some of the services offered throughout the week.
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world. Discover more about the world's deadliest cancers and the impact they are having here.
Deafblind Awareness Week (24th -30th June)
Deafblind Awareness Week is a key annual event in our calendar. An annual celebration of the deafblind community, the week strives to help more and more people understand deafblindness and how it affects people. Throughout the week we will celebrate people living with deafblindness, sharing their stories, achievements and personal successes.
Diabetes Awareness Week (10th-16th June)
Diabetes Awareness Week is a week to make some noise, raise awareness and shout about the things that matter to people with diabetes, shining a light on what it’s like to live with, day in and day out.
World Hypopara Awareness Day 2024 (1st June)
Hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrine disorder characterised by insufficient parathyroid hormone levels, resulting in low calcium and elevated phosphate levels in the blood. The global event aims to raise awareness of the need for better education, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Global Day of Parents 2024 (1st June)
Global Day of Parents is an international event and United Nations observance that is celebrated on June 1 each year to honour parents and their commitment to children worldwide.
World Food Safety Day (7th June)
Started by the WHO, World Food Safety Day was introduced to raise awareness around food safety and reduce the burden of foodborne diseases globally.
World Blood Donor Day (14th June)
Every year countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank unpaid, voluntary blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Visit this WHO page to see what is taking place this year!
Father's Day (16th June)
Every year on the third Sunday of June Father's Day is celebrated across the country. Father's Day is a holiday honouring fathers, father figures, anyone who is stepping into a father role, and anyone who was hoping to be a father but can't.
Fun things to do this Father’s Day!
Autistic Pride Day (18th June)
Autistic Pride Day is a pride celebration for autistic people held on 18 June each year. The day aims to celebrate autistic people, share stories of positivity and advocate for greater acceptance and inclusion for the Autistic community.
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Fibroids Awareness Month
Black women are more likely to develop fibroids than Asian or White women. This week is dedicated to raising awareness.
Alcohol Awareness Week (1st-7th July)
A weeklong annual awareness campaign aimed at sparking conversations, advocating for change, and promoting awareness around alcohol consumption in the UK.
World Hepatitis Day (28th July)
An initiative to raise worldwide awareness about viral hepatitis and its impact on millions of people worldwide.
International Day of Friendship (30th July)
A day when we consider the importance of cultivating friendship between peoples and cultures, and build bridges between communities.
World Breastfeeding Awareness Week (1st-7th August)
An international campaign to inform, support, and advocate for breastfeeding mothers and their babies.
Playday (7th August)
An annual campaign that highlights the importance of play in a child’s development. This year, the theme is – the culture of childhood.
Cycle to Work Day (8th August)
Whether you are a regular cyclist or not, Cycle to Work Day is an annual event encouraging people to saddle up and ride to work.
International Youth Day (12th August)
Established by the United Nations, International Youth Day is designed to draw attention to the cultural and legal issues that affect young people.
This year's theme is “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development,” and emphasises the role that young people will be forced to play in using digitalisation to accelerate the progress of sustainable development goals.
Cavernoma Awareness Day (21st August)
Cavernomas are abnormal clusters of vessels, and every year a day is dedicated to increasing knowledge of how to spot them.
National Rainbow Babies Day (22nd August)
A rainbow baby is a baby born following baby loss, either from a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death. This day is to honour and celebrate those babies, as well as support and acknowledge the grief that came before.
International Overdose Awareness Day (31st August)
A day to spread the message about drug overdose deaths and that more needs to be done to prevent them. This year's theme is “Together we can”, highlighting the power that unity and community can have in addressing overdose-related deaths.
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Every September, Blood Cancer Awareness Month takes place to raise awareness of blood cancer. Many believe that blood cancer doesn't receive the attention other types of cancer do and there is a need to highlight the impact it can have on individuals, families, and communities.
Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month
This month is dedicated to raising awareness about cancers affecting the female reproductive system, including ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers.
PCOS Awareness Month
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects around 8-13% of people of reproductive age worldwide, and it's estimated that 70% of affected people remain undiagnosed.
Urology Awareness Month
A monthlong campaign to educate the public about urological health conditions and promote early detection and treatment.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
An international event created to raise awareness around childhood cancers and raise funds for the families of individuals affected.
Visit this page for more information on how to get involved.
World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
An international campaign that takes place every September to educate and encourage support for dementia. If you want to offer your support or find out how to get involved, the World Alzheimer’s Society is putting on some great events!
Migraine Awareness Week (1st-7th September)
According to the WHO, migraines are one of the most serious disabling medical conditions and they affect 1 in 7 people. Find out how you can get involved and help spread awareness here.
World Suicide Prevention Day (10th September)
An annual event introduced to raise awareness around mental and emotional health issues, and take action to prevent suicides worldwide.
National Coeliac Disease Day (13th September)
An annual awareness campaign to raise awareness around coeliac disease and other gluten-related issues.
Sexual Health Week (9th-15th September)
A week dedicated to promoting sexual health and wellbeing, including education, awareness, and access to treatment, resources and services.
World Patient Safety Day (17th September)
World Patient Safety Day is a day which calls for countries, communities, caregivers and families to show their commitment to better patient safety.
National Fitness Day (20th September)
A chance to highlight the importance of physical activity on people's health. Discover what’s taking place this year here!
National Eye Health Awareness Week (23rd-29th September)
This week aims to promote the importance of good eye health and the need for regular eye tests.
World Contraception Day (26th September)
An annual campaign to improve awareness of contraception and make sure everyone has access to safe, effective, and affordable methods of birth control.
Encouraging smokers across the UK to try and quit smoking during the month of October and beyond.
Sober October
Encouraging people to go alcohol-free for the month of October, raising funds to support those affected by cancer.
National Cholesterol Month
A dedicated month to raise awareness of high cholesterol dangers and the importance of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, run by HEART UK.
Black History Month
An annual celebration highlighting the rich heritage, achievements, and contributions of Black communities across the UK.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A month-long public health campaign to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote early detection, and support ongoing research efforts.
Menopause Awareness Month
63% of menopausal women say their symptoms have had a negative impact on their working life, and one in 10 women leave work because of menopause symptoms. This month is focused on increasing awareness and understanding of menopause, offering support to women navigating this stage of life.
Internal Day of Older Pensioners (1st October)
An annual event dedicated to recognising the integral contributions older people make in society. If you're keen to get involved, visit the Centre for Ageing Better website to find out what is taking place in the UK this year.
Anaphylaxis Awareness Week (1st-6th October)
An annual event designed to educate the public about anaphylaxis, its causes, symptoms, and the importance of getting treated quickly.
National Vegetarian Week (1st-7th October)
This year, organisers of the National Vegetarian Week are asking the British public to 'Mix it Up,' as it aims to encourage more people to give plant-based diets a go!
Dyslexia Awareness Week (4th-10th October)
An annual event run by the British Dyslexia Association to raise awareness and further understanding of dyslexia and the struggles people with the condition face. This year's theme is “What’s your story,” inviting people who have been affected to share their experiences.
Back Care Awareness Week (4th-8th October)
The annual Back Care Awareness Week, run by BackCare, the UK's leading charity for those impacted by back or neck pain, was created to raise awareness around those affected by back pain and encourage people to seek help sooner.
Baby Loss Awareness Week (9th-15th October)
In the UK, it is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth. This week is dedicated to raising awareness, but also to giving a safe and supportive space to anyone affected by baby loss to grieve and share their experiences if they feel comfortable doing so. It's a week to remind them that they are not alone.
Wakey Wakey Hospice Day (10th October)
A special occasion that honours and supports hospices and the compassionate care they provide to individuals facing life-limiting illnesses
World Mental Health Day (10th October)
A day aimed at raising awareness about human health conditions related to mental wellbeing, reducing stigma, and promoting mental wellness and access to treatment and mental health resources
National Work Life Week (11th-15th October)
An annual campaign to get people talking about wellbeing at work in relation to work-life balance. The event was set up by Working Families.
Coming Out Day (11th October)
An awareness day for LGBTQ+ individuals to celebrate their identities and for allies to show support and acceptance.
National Braille Week (14th-20th October)
Organised by the charity Royal Blind, National Braille Week celebrates braille, a tactile writing system that allows individuals with visual impairments to read and write.
International Pronouns Day (16th October)
An initiative to promote awareness and respect for personal pronouns, fostering inclusivity and understanding.
World Menopause Awareness Day (18th October)
A day to raise awareness and highlight menopause-related issues, as well as to offer support and resources.
Apple Day (21st October)
A celebration of apples and orchards in the UK. Learn about the history of the event here.
National Adoption Week (21st-27th October)
During National Adoption Week, adoption charities around the country work together to help prospective parents learn more about adoption, including the steps involved, potential hurdles and challenges, helpful tips and advice, and information about children currently waiting to be adopted.
Wear It Pink (25th October)
An annual event in which people are encouraged to dress in pink to raise awareness about breast cancer. Find out how to get involved here.
Movember - Men's Health Awareness Month
An international event famous for the iconic moustaches and variety of fun challenges it encourages people to partake in, Movember aims to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues.
National Pathology Week (4th-10th November)
An annual observance dedicated to recognising the vital role of pathology in healthcare and medical science. See what events are coming up here.
Fertility Awareness Week (4th-10th November)
A week dedicated to raising awareness about fertility issues, as well as providing support and education.
National Stress Awareness Day (6th November)
An annual event that provides an opportunity for people to talk about the modern stress epidemic, its impact, and strategies for stress reduction and mental wellbeing.
Anti-bullying Week (11th-17th November)
A dedicated time for schools and communities to focus on anti-bullying efforts. This year's theme is Choose Respect. See what else is taking place this year by visiting the Anti-Bullying Alliance website.
Trans Awareness Week (13th-19th November)
This week aims to raise the visibility of transgender individuals in society and tackle the challenges they encounter within the community.
World Diabetes Day (14th November)
The 14th of November is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Frederick Banting. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness around the unique set of challenges people with diabetes face.
Alcohol Awareness Week (15th-21st November)
A chance for the UK to get thinking about drinking and the health effects excessive alcohol consumption can have.
Disability History Month (16th November-16th December)
A dedicated month to honour the achievements and experiences of people with disabilities, promoting awareness and inclusion.
International Men's Day (19th November)
A day dedicated to addressing the issues and challenges faced by millions of people worldwide.
World COPD Day (20th November)
1.4 million people in the UK are living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), COPD day serves to raise awareness of a common and serious condition and ensure people have access to the healthcare they need.
Transgender Day of Remembrance (20th November)
A day to honour and memorialise the lives lost to transphobic violence, raising awareness of the ongoing struggles faced by the transgender community.
Carers Rights Day (21st November)
Each year Carers UK promotes Carers Rights Day where they’re joined by hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals raising awareness of caring, helping to identify carers and signposting them to information, advice and support.
Find out more about it here.
National Adoption Day (23rd November)
A day to celebrate adoption and raise awareness of the needs of children in foster care waiting for permanent families.
White Ribbon Day (25th November)
A global observance dedicated to raising awareness about and taking action to prevent violence against women and girls. Discover what’s taking place in the UK here.
World Aids Day (1st December)
A global opportunity to unite in the fight against HIV and AIDS-related illness, showing support for those affected and remembering those lost to this devastating disease.
Grief Awareness Week (2nd-8th December)
Grief can affect people in different ways. This week is dedicated to acknowledging and supporting those experiencing it with their mental and emotional health by giving them a safe space to talk if they feel comfortable.
International Day of People with Disabilities (3rd December)
A day to celebrate the achievements and promote the wellbeing and rights of the millions of people with disabilities worldwide.
Human Rights Day (10th December)
Human Rights Day is observed every year on the 10th of December – the day on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This year the theme is Equality – Reducing inequalities and advancing human rights. Reducing inequality requires tackling discrimination and biases deeply ingrained in our society.
Universal Health Coverage Day (12th December)
Universal Health Coverage Day is celebrated annually on December 12. Promoted by the WHO, the day aims to raise awareness around the need for strong and resilient health systems and universal health coverage (UHC).
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