Save The Dates: Health and wellbeing awareness events for your HR calendar in June
A breakdown of the health and wellbeing events coming up in June 2024.
June 2024 is a big busy month for health, wellbeing and environmental awareness, with many events taking place across a wide range for important causes. From Pride month to Bike week to Blood Donor day, there's a host of fun and impactful events, celebrations and campaigns to raise awareness and enhance physical health and mental wellbeing throughout your workforce.
Below, we've put together a comprehensive list of events and key dates that are part of health and wellbeing campaigns, so HR professionals can know exactly what's coming up, when, and how to get involved.
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Awareness dates in June
Pride month
Every June, we celebrate Pride month in the UK. Throughout the month, we recognise the influences of the LGBTQ+ community, celebrate our wonderful diversity, and promote people's right to live how they choose without discrimination.
As well as being a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, Pride month serves to raise worldwide awareness around the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and promote inclusivity and acceptance in out society.
Parades, street parties and community events are just some of ways millions of people worldwide choose to celebrate. Check out this calendar to discover what events are taking place this year!
National Age Without Apology Month
Established in 2021, Age Without Apology Month was created by the Willowberry Skincare company to encourage women to be proud their age and experience
Every year, Age Without Apology Month has been celebrated each year with a new theme, including ideas such as Age My Way and Age is an Energy. You can find out their theme for 2024 here!
National Salad Week 2024 (1st-7th June)
For one week a year, restaurants, cafes and homes are encouraged to share the leaf-love, and promote a healthier diet by promoting their salads.
Volunteers' Week (3rd-9th June)
Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. This year, the event will end with The Big Help Out
National Growing for Wellbeing Week (3rd-9th June)
The week is a celebration of the difference growing produce can make to your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. See how you can get involved here!
World Heart Rhythm Week 2024 (5th-11th June)
The event is an opportunity for people and organisations to come together, share knowledge, and take action to promote heart health and rhythm awareness. This year, Arrhythmia Alliance are hosting Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) Awareness Day on Wednesday the 5th, which you can discover more about here
Bike Week (10th-16th June)
Bike Week is an opportunity for us to remind ourselves of the positive impact on people riding a bike can have on personal wellbeing and the health of our planet.
This year, Cycling UK is looking to celebrate for whom cycling is the physical activity of choice, as well as the happiness it brings. If you’re keen to get involved, or interested in discovering how cycling can help you build a healthy lifestyle, you can find all the information about the event here.
National Carers Week (10th-16th June)
This year, the national awareness campaign Carers Week will take place from the 10th –16th June. An annual campaign, Carers Week seeks to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses. Discover this year’s theme and and the variety of fun activities taking place!
BNF Healthy Eating Week (10th-14th June)
This year, the British Nutrition Foundation's Healthy Eating Week will be running from Monday 10 June to Friday 14 June 2024. The week is dedicated to encouraging people across the country to ‘Give it a go,’ whether that's by having one extra portion of fruit or vegetables a day, being a bit more active, or experimenting with a new recipes.
If you want to get involved this year, you can sign up to BNFH’S events information updates.
Men's Health Week (12th-18th June)
Men's Health Week (MHW) is designed to raise awareness around men's physical and mental illness, and give all boys and men access to the information, services educational resources and treatment they need to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.
Find out how you can get involved here.
Cervical Screening Awareness Week (17th-23rd June)
Cervical Screening Awareness Week is an annual event which will run from the 19th to the 24th of June 2024. The week aims to raise awareness around cervical cancer and highlight the importance of regular cervical screening for women's health.
Learning Disability Week (19th-25th June)
Every year, the charity Mencap organises Learning Disability week - an annual event that aims to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities by raising community awareness about important issues, fighting stigma and discrimination, and raising funds for outreach and support programs. Visit the Mencap website f more information.
Love your lungs week (21st-27th June)
Love your lungs week was created to raise public awareness about the health of our lungs and what can be done to keep them as healthy as possible and avoid damaging them. Advice on how to give up smoking and leading an active lifestyle are just some of the services offered through the week.
Deafblind awareness week (24th -30th June)
Deafblind Awareness Week is a key annual event in our calendar. An annual celebration of the deafblind community, the week strives to help more and more people understand deafblindness and how it affects people. Throughout the week we will celebrate people living with deafblindness, sharing their stories, achievements and personal successes.
Diabetes awareness week (10th-16th June)
Diabetes Week is a week to make some noise, raise awareness and shout about the things that matter to people with diabetes, shining a light on what it’s like to live with, day in day out.
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Health and wellbeing awareness days 2024
World Hypopara Awareness Day 2024 (1st June)
Hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrine disorder characterised by insufficient parathyroid hormone levels, resulting in low calcium and elevated phosphate levels in the blood. The global event aims to raise awareness of the need for better education, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Global Day of Parents 2024 (1st June)
Global Day of Parents is an international event and United Nations observance that is celebrated on June 1 each year to honour parents and their commitment to children worldwide.
World Blood Donor Day (14th June)
Every year countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank unpaid, voluntary blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Visit this WHO page to see what is taking place this year!
Fathers day (16th June)
Every year on the third Sunday of June Father's Day is celebrated across the country. Father's Day is a holiday honouring fathers, father figures and, fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.
Fun things to do this father’s day!
Autistic pride day (18th June)
Autistic Pride Day is a pride celebration for autistic people held on 18 June each year. The day aims to celebrate autistic people, share stories of positivity and advocate for greater acceptance and inclusion for the austistic community.