Feb 11, 2025
1:00 pm

Introducing the Fertifa Payment Plan and other options for financial access to fertility treatment

The financial impact of fertility treatment on your employees’ wellbeing and what you can do to support them.

During the webinar we'll cover: 

How much fertility treatments generally cost 
How this impacts your employees and your business 
Options for employers to help with the costs of fertility treatments and how the Fertifa payment plan works 


Eileen Burbidge
Executive Director

One round of IVF can cost upwards of £5,000 or more, and 48% of employees surveyed say they have financial worries when going through fertility treatments.  

Many employers are now offering fertility support to their employees, and increasingly considering covering the costs of fertility treatment as an employee benefit. However not all organisations have the budget to offer fertility treatment allowances. That’s why we devised the Fertifa payment plan. 

The Fertifa payment plan offers a straightforward way for organisations to financially support individuals going through fertility treatment, without having to pay directly. 

During the webinar we'll cover: 

How much fertility treatments generally cost 
How this impacts your employees and your business 
Options for employers to help with the costs of fertility treatments and how the Fertifa payment plan works 


Eileen Burbidge
Executive Director

Want to know more?

Speak to our team about how we can support your employees through menopause, fertility, men's and women's health challenges.